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A search for roots, a search for home, something to tie you down to the land of your ancestors acts itself out in many ways. Some people roam the earth to find the idea of home, others dig deep within themselves. Some return to the land of their birth, others distance themselves in order to find where they are moored.

In all of this, land, the fragrant, changing, omnipresent earth, the thing many of us believe we are made of, is instrumental. A returning to roots, sometimes, is a matter of returning to practices that our ancestors observed, a matter of finding ways to live harmoniously with nature. Lately, more and more people have discovered in them the desire to return to certain things the way they used to be, one among them being treating the land that grows their food with respect, reverence, and cooperation. Organic farming finds itself right at the heart of that sentiment.

A search for home begins with the simple things (Photo courtesy: CIKS)

Sempulam came about for this very reason. People with busy lives, looking for a search for meaning and connection to their land, have turned to us for solution. How do I go back to the good things that were? While it is rather difficult to teach you the A to Z of farming in the little space that life and living allow us, it is most certainly possible to help and aid this endeavor to see a greener, cleaner, and better earth.

The world opening itself up to newer opportunities means people everywhere have options for work that are new and exciting, and therefore, perhaps glamorous. Farming, being age-old and involving getting your hands dirty, isn’t anywhere close to the top jobs that you’d be excited to consider. How many times have you heard a family say they’d love their children to grow up and be farmers? Because, you know, farming isn’t cool. In India, it isn’t even close to desirable. Sempulam hopes to bring about a change in that mentality; it hopes to encourage more and more people to pursue the dream of growing food that is safe, healthy and most important of all, grown with love and care. Because what could be more important than ensuring generations after today will have access to clean food and land?

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